Many people have to use personal loans to make repairs to their cars, trucks or SUV’s. When thing go wrong with your vehicle and the warrantee has expired, it can cost you quite a bit of money to repair. When you are purchasing a used car it is usually wise to purchase an extended warrantee to protect yourself from costly repairs, just read the fine print and make sure that there are no loop holes in the contract and that you will get the most protection for you dollar.

Using a personal loan for auto repairs is a common practice, but you do not want to be throwing away your hard earned money for repairs that could have been avoided. Preventive maintenance is a good way to keep your vehicle in tip top shape. Many newer vehicles do not require that you change your oil every three thousand miles as most people do. It definitely will not hurt your vehicle, but you can actually go between seven and ten thousand miles without an oil change. This can add up to a significant amount in savings over the life of the ownership of your vehicle. If you have the know how to change your own oil, it could be a little more expensive, but will save you time in the long run.

If you have some mechanical prowess doing your own repairs can definitely save you money, but just make sure you are not getting in over your head. Repairs by the do it yourself are manageable on older model cars, but newer models require specialty tools and knowledge to work on them. If you are not sure what you are doing with a repair, it is much better to have a professional do it rather than risking getting into the project and realizing that you have just wasted time and money only to have to have your vehicle towed to the local shop.

Taking out a personal loan for a vehicle repair is common practice when it is necessary, just make sure that you are not putting too much into the vehicle. Make sure the repairs are worth the cost. If you can keep your car in tip top shape then you can keep it running for 150,000 – 200,000 miles which is much better than buying a newer car every few years. A little preventative maintenance goes along way in the life of your car.