Personal Loans


Learn more about SFA (Simple, Fair, Affordable) Personal Loans

When it comes to personal loans they are a type of loan that can easily be obtained by anyone as long as they can prove they have a form of income and meet the age requirements as well. Usually, the money needs to be paid within a month after the lending process has been over with and the interest rates are quite high. To get approval credit checks are also not a requirement, so SFA (Simple, Fair, Affordable) Personal Loans are fairly easy to get and hurdle free.

Individuals who experience a cash crunch can easily delve into getting one such type of loan, yet there is also a word of caution. Borrowers who are inexperienced might abuse this type of loan and in the end get to lose more money than they can afford paying back, through interest rates. Depending on where the money is loaned from, the APR can go from three hundred percent to six hundred percent.

It’s not that such loans are bad and they should never be considered, but the fact is they can easily get out of control. Even though their contribution to someone’s financial need is undoubted, there is always the risk of things getting out of control.

Below there are seven tips that people interested in such loans should be mindful of:

1. The borrower always gets a sum lower than the amount written on the check, because the amount is subjected to fees ranging from fifteen to fifty dollars per one hundred dollars.

2. In case the borrower cannot repay the money in time, he’ll be encouraged by the lender to renew the loan. It’s a risky thing to do, so it’s advised to refuse such temptations.

3. State regulations can cover for these types of loans but they require the loan term limit to be set at thirty days. Lenders trick the system and set the amount to thirty one days, so the borrower will depend on the lender.

4. Such loans should be considered only in emergencies. Even if in the beginning this seems like a cheap option to get fast cash, borrowers might in the end let their loans pile up and in the end face the harsh reality of having very high fees to pay.

5. The SFA (Simple, Fair, Affordable) Personal Loans are usually aimed at people with a low income. The lenders have no idea that they could easily have problems in paying the money back and thus even be persuaded to apply for a new loan and get deeper into the pit.

6. There are some loan websites out there that will automatically have a loan “rolled over” and then have the renewal fee withdrawn on the due date. Even if it sounds crazy, some websites will also require the borrowers to sign a contract in which they stipulate that no legal actions will be taken against the lenders and that they won’t file bankruptcy. These are all aimed to protect the lender.

7. Lastly, it’s pretty easy to get used to these loans, so anyone should be careful on how and when they contract them. It’s best though that they’re left as a last resort in emergency cases.

Getting SFA (Simple, Fair, Affordable) Personal Loans is rather easy but everyone should be well informed before contracting one. There are potential risks that can really knock people off financially and they should be carefully analyzed before proceeding further with the loan.


Loans In A Time of Crisis

Everybody has a crisis come up in their lives where they need some extra cash to pull them through a tough time. Borrowing fromfreinds or relatives can be an option for those that have these resources, but people always say it’s a bad idea.

Using a personal loan to help you through these situations can really be a big help when you need that assistance. Just make sure you have the ability to repay the loan back, or it can be a huge burden on your credit and future financial stability.

When I was in college, I was intending to buy a motorcycle.  My friend that I was going to purchase it from was going out of town for the weekend and told me that I could test ride the bike while he was gone. I was having a great weekend riding around on my new future favorite toy, when I was run off the road by a car that never even saw me and kept on driving on.

Now technically, I could have not bought the motorcycle and just let my friend eat the cost of the damage with his insurance, but I wouldn’t have wanted anyone to do that to me, so I needed to buy the wrecked motorcycle from my friend.

The problem that I had was that I wasn’t planning on buying the bike from my friend for a few months and that was the agreement between the two of us. I needed a quick personal loan to take care of this matter. Being in college at the time, I did not have many assets, but I did have good credit.

Now I realize that this situation was not a major crisis, but if I was injured in the accident it could have turned out to be one. I was lucky to walk away from the incident with only a bruised shoulder and a new respect for watching out for unconcerned drivers.

The loan helped me through this tough time in my life and assisted me with building my credit for future use. I was fortunate that I had taken out a personal loan prior to this incident that gave the loan company some real credibility to go off of when I needed their help. Don’t be afraid to use a personal loan when you need to, just make sure that you have the financial ability to pay it off.




Taking Loans for Bills

Is it wise to use a personal loan to pay your typical monthly bills? The best practice is not to do so, but in these trying economic times, this may be your only choice. If you are faced with this decision, then you have probably had a drastic change in your income level, or you have not planned accordingly with the bills that you have.

If your household income has been affected by a layoff or a cut in hours then this may have been an unforeseeable misfortune and you have not had the proper time to adjust your lifestyle in accordance with the lower income level. The question you must answer is how you are going to be able to pay for the added monthly bill of a loan payment. Taking out a personal loan may get you through a few months of bills, but you must act in accordance with the fact that you can no longer afford what you have been used to. The personal loan will buy you some time to help you get through these difficult times, but cutting back on your monthly expenses is the only way you will effectively be able to overcome this problem

Most people feel that they will be able to use a loan to get them out of this jam, but finding a new job or supplemental income is taking people longer than they have imagined. If you do not adjust your lifestyle to accommodate your lower income, you will find yourself in much more financial trouble after the loan has been spent. You really have to take a hard look at what is absolutely necessary and what could be considered a luxury. Downgrading your vehicle to something more affordable is a good place to start.

Now, if you are not affected by a job loss and still need a loan to help with bills, then you are living beyond your means. Sometimes emergency things come up in life and you have to spend money on things that you were ready for. This is totally understandable and a personal loan can be a big help if this is your situation, but if you are just letting your monthly expenses get away from you, then it is time to take a hard look at what you are spending your money on. No more nightly dinners out and shopping sprees that break the bank. You have to be wise and spend the money that you have, not the money you can borrow.